Bovine Colostrum Powder from "Pure Velvet" is a Premium Bovine formula that provides condensed delivery of essential vitamins and nutrients for wellness support. They wouldn't pair their Deer Velvet extracts with just anything, but Colostrum - they believe in. This high-quality Colostrum helps strengthen and support key structures and functions, helping me be my most vital self - every day! What is Colostrum? All mammals produce colostrum in the mammary glands to deliver a holistic range of essential nutrients required for a newborn baby to live. Colostrum helps us build a strong immune system, builds up good bacteria to support gut health, and provides nutrients for growth. "Pure Vevet", Premium Bovine Colostrum is Special: While the mother cow will create colostrum for her calf, the calves do not receive antibodies from the mother before birth. The colostrum is stored throughout the pregnancy and provided to the calf after birth. The calf ha...